Sunday, August 5, 2018

CSOs launches child protection against human trafficking in Marawi City

At Presidential table from left-right: Ms. Noraima Sabar Taurac Punong Brgy. Datu Sabar, Ms. Hashreen Lucman Rep. City persecutor office, DRP Norma M. Tanggol DOJ - RPO XIV (ARMM), Hon. Jamil Faisal Saro Adiong SK Provincial of L.D.S. Chairperson on youth committee, Major Palawan D. Miodas (INF) PA - Civil - Military Operation Officer, 103BDE, 1ID, PA, Ms. Rismirah Adad CSWDO, Focal Person, Ms. Christina Lomoljo Executive director, Birthdev.

MARAWI CITY – Most vulnerable on human trafficking nowadays are children especially during crisis situation. Marawi City was being sieged by the ISIS-Maute group in May 2017 and runs for five months. After the siege, there were alleged cases of disappearances mostly children but needs to be validated.

The CSOs in its response held protection project for one year, conducted a Forum on human trafficking and the launching of the Child Protection Project: “Children in the Philippines are not for Sale” with slogan, "Better lives through safer migration, stop human trafficking," implemented by the Balay Integrated Rehabilitation Center for Total Human Development (BIRTHDEV) in partnership with The Save the Children, jointly held at the Provincial Capitol Complex, Marawi City on July 31, 2018.

The forum and project launching were attended by barangay officials and constituents, particularly the 4 target barangays, namely, Barangay Poblacion, Barangay Datu Saber, Barangay Panggao Saduc and Barangay Matampay, all of Marawi City.

BIRTHDEV Executive Director Ms. Cristina Lomoljo said the project aims to protect boys and girls affected by armed conflict in Marawi City from Child Trafficking. She said the project will be implemented in four (4) barangays for ten (10) months from May, 2018 to February, 2019 with the Save the Children Organization serving as partner. She said initially four barangays are the target areas with project activities include the baseline on children protection (knowledge, attitudes,  and practice survey, focus group discussion, key informant interview); community child protection risk mapping; learning session on children’s rights and child protection for children and adults; establishment of community-based mechanisms on child trafficking; collaboration with Local Government Unit on protecting children; capacity building for service providers; and campaign activities; observance of important dates related to children’s rights.

City social welfare and development officer (CSWDO) focal person Ms. Rismirah Adad stressed that the city social welfare office is implementing programs and projects related to child protection including other similar programs.

DOJ Regional Prosecutor (DRP) Atty. Norma M. Tanggol of the Department of Justice-Regional Prosecutor’s Office (DOJ-RPO) – Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), the main speaker of the forum in her presentation, Modus operandi of trafficking in persons and salient features of anti- trafficking laws (RA 9208 as amended by RA 10364). She discussed issues and concerns relative to human trafficking and the legal procedure on filing complaints, as such other related concerns. Tanggol said that in cases of threats the victims and witnesses can avail the governments protection program with full security presence to protect them from harm and possible harassments and attacks by the suspects or accuse persons.

Courtesy of ICRC.
Atty. Hashreen Lucman of the Prosecutor’s Office advised the families of the victims to report the incident to the barangay for action, and if no action is taken the barangay official can be held liable for obstruction of justice.

Major Palawan D. Miodas, PA, Civil Military Operations Officer of the 103 Brigade said that the military is always ready to provide the needed services or assistance to LGUs and citizens encountering problems on security.

Provincial Board Member Jamil Faizal Saro Adiong, President of SK Provincial Federation said the forum and project launching are timely because the subject on human trafficking was discussed during the recent Provincial Peace and Order Council meeting where cases of human trafficking had been mentioned, but no reports had been made of the unfortunate incidents.  He reminded the  children and families to report any incident on human trafficking to authorities, like kidnapping, slavery, involuntary servitude, and human smuggling.  He said children deserve to be protected and provided with opportunities to learn and have a better future.

Punong Barangay Taurac of Datu Saber said the barangay is supporting the project on child protection and implementing local measures towards the protection of children.

Participants of the Forum.
Save the Children chief executive officer Alberto Jesus T. Muyot told reporters that the forum and project launching relate to the protection of children in conflict areas of Marawi City.  He said that disaster maybe natural or man-made but children are the most vulnerable, and added that the project aims to build communities to make them aware of the issues and concerns affecting their lives. He reiterated of four barangays are the initial target of the project, expressed hope that the project will be successful, and as soon as the target barangays will be fully covered, the project will be applied to other barangays in Marawi.  Muyot said the project has the support from the provincial government, local government, national government agencies, and non-government organizations. He said the organization intends to organize 7,000 adults to serve as watch groups to ensure that every child deserves a future. “The Save the Children works everyday to give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm” said Muyot. He added that the Save the Children will do whatever it takes for children everyday and in times of crisis transforming their lives and the future we share.

Other key officers of the Save the Children present during the forum were Ms. Alrene Mae Fuentes, Project Officer on Child Protection; Mr. Aedrian Araojo, Information and Communications Officer; Mr. August Ceazar Acorda, Project Coordinator. (with reports by Jun Enriquez, photos by Salve Gimena)

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